Curmi & Partners

Fimbank plc: Company Profile

Fimbank is a licensed credit institution which was established in 1994 and commenced operations in 1995. Fimbank is an international company principally active in providing international trade finance and to act as an intermediary to other financial institutions for international settlements, forfaiting, factoring and loan syndications.

Shareholders in excess of 5%
United Gulf Bank B.S.C 61.20%
Burgan Bank S.A.K 19.72%
FactorRus LLC 100.00%
FIMFactors B.V. 100.00%
FIM Business Solutions Limited 100.00%
FIM Holdings (Chile) S.p.A 100.00%
FIM Property Investment Limited 100.00%
Londan Forfaiting Company Limited 100.00%
Levant Factors S.A.L. 50.00%
The Egyptian Company for Factoring S.A.E. 50.00%
Chairman John C. Grech
Vice Chairman Masaud M. J. Hayat
Company Secretary Andrea Batello
Year end
Listed on MSE 22nd June 2001
ISIN Code MT0000180100
MSE Symbol FIM
Bloomberg Code FIM MV EQUITY